Sesungguhnya peringatan itu memberi manfaat kepada mukmin
"Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli daripada orang-orang yang beriman (mukmin), jiwa dan harta benda mereka dengan memberikan syurga kepada mereka, disebabkan mereka berjuang di jalan Allah, …. Maka bergembiralah dengan jual beli yang telah kamu lakukan dan itulah kemenangan yang seagung-agungnya". (At-Taubah: 111)
Perjalanan kehidupan seseorang menuntut kepada suatu perjuangan yang terkandung didalamnya nilai pengorbanan. Seseorang pejuang sudah pasti mengimpikan suatu kejayaan yang memerlukan pengorbanan. Seiring dengan pengorbanan itu sudah pasti perlukan ketabahan, keyakinan, semangat dan matlamat kejayaan yang jelas dan jitu demi memastikan kejayaan yang dimiliki akan membuahkan kebahagiaan kepada si pejuang. Sesungguhnya kehidupan adalah memberi bukan sekadar menerima...ia juga untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bekalan kehidupan abadi.
“Ya Allah, ampunilah kesalahanku, kebodohanku, sikapku yang melampaui batas dalam urusanku, dan semua dosaku yang Engkau lebih mengetahui mengenainya daripada diriku sendiri. Ya Allah, ampunilah kesungguhanku, kelalaianku, kesalahanku dan kesengajaanku yang semua itu ada pada diriku.” (Hadis riwayat Imam Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Cute Letter from a newly married girl to her mother
Dear mom,
Like every normal girl, I was excited about marriage right from my childhood days. I never thought beyond the time that I would spend happily with my prince charming.
But today when I am married, I realize that marriage is not all roses. It's not just about being with your beloved and having a gala time. There is so much more to it. It comes with its own share of responsibilities, duties, sacrifices and compromises.
I can't wake up anytime I want to.
I am expected to be up and ready before everyone else in the family.
I can't laze around in my pyjamas throughout the day.
I am expected to be presentable every time.
I can't just go out anytime I want to.
I am expected to be sensitive to the needs of the family.
I just can't hit the bed anytime I want to.
I am expected to be active and around the family.
I can't expect to be treated like a princess but am supposed to take care of everyone else in the family.
And then I think to myself, 'why did I get married at all?' I was happier with you, mom. Sometimes I think of coming back to you and getting pampered again.
I want to come home to my favourite food cooked by you every evening after a nice outing with friends. I want to sleep on your laps like I have no worry in this world. But then I suddenly realize, had you not got married and made such sacrifices in your life, I wouldn't have had so many wonderful memories to hang on to. And suddenly, the purpose of all this becomes clear- to return the same comfort, peace and happiness to my new family that I got from you.
And I am sure that as time would pass, I would start loving this life equally as you do. Thank you mom for all the sacrifices and compromises you made. They give me the strength to do the same. Love you.
It's an excellent article for all daughters
Do not forget to Share with ladies... respect all ladies and girls beside u as they make the world beautiful for u to live in.
Daughters are like music in the house..
When she speaks,
Speaks without a break
& everyone says,
"Be quiet for a while "
When she is silent,
mother says,
" Are you sick"
Father says,
"Why there is no noise in the house"
and when she is married, all says,
"We feel as there's no light in the house"
She is the real non stop music..
Dedicated to emotional, cute, pretty, sweet & sincere girls
That's You..
That's a Girl,..
Share with ur mother, father, sister wife daughter & last but not the least all your friends who are girls
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